Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates

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When It Is Time to Speak To a Divorce Lawyer

Your relationship has been faltering for a while. You have tried to find solutions, but the situation is only getting worse. However, if you think that divorce is the one and only option, know that the procedure is tricky and the intervention of a divorce lawyer is necessary even though you can get a divorce without a lawyer in California. But when should you call a divorce lawyer? The following are some key points that indicate it is the right time to call a divorce lawyer.

It’s Beyond You

Divorce is not a decision that is made on the spur of the moment or during a dispute between you and your partner. If you’re at odds with your wife or husband, it might be worth seeking couples therapy or other forms of marital counseling before making a final decision. However, if you’re certain that divorce is the right path for you, it’s important to start the process as soon as possible.

Related: learn more about when you should consider getting a divorce here.

To Protect Your Children

If you’re about to get divorced and have children, it is best to hire a lawyer to keep the little ones away from the conflict, to say the least. In the case of an amicable divorce, the divorce lawyer will take care of the organization of child custody. Nevertheless, if you want to keep your children with you and are afraid of losing the custody battle, a divorce lawyer will help you cross that bridge when you come to it.

Related: Learn more about how to let your children know about your divorce here.

To Protect Your Financial Interests

If you’re worried about the division of assets and debt in a divorce, it’s a good idea to speak with a lawyer before proceeding. A divorce lawyer can help you understand your rights and options and advise you on how to protect your assets. 

Have you gathered all the documents? 

The paperwork for divorce is different from state to state, although many requirements are similar. In states like California, you need to fill out many forms and need to gather many documents for a seamless divorce process. Therefore, it’s wise to rely on a lawyer in this tricky moment and ensure that everything is organized.


To sum up, if you’re considering a divorce and have made the decision to move forward, it’s a good idea to speak with a divorce lawyer as soon as possible. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates is the best option. We have a team with decades of experience dealing with these cases. Contact our law firm today at (949) 951-9529 or visit our website for more information.

Top Reasons to Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer

Declaring bankruptcy is one of the hardest and most demoralizing things an individual can go through. You have already lost your business and assets, and are deeply in debt to your vendors and creditors. We understand how tough this time can be. It is advisable to hire a lawyer well versed in business law who understands how to file for bankruptcy on your behalf. The following are the top reasons to hire a bankruptcy lawyer to make the process easier for you.

1. Lawyers are well aware of the legal process involving bankruptcy.

It is a given that bankruptcy lawyers are well versed and informed about the entire legal process involving bankruptcy. From meeting deadlines to guiding you through the internal structure of the legal process itself. If you try to apply for bankruptcy yourself, chances are that you might miss some important paperwork or a certain deadline that could result in failure to register. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you avoid such mistakes.

2. A bankruptcy lawyer will handle your creditors.

If you are considering declaring bankruptcy, your creditors must be calling you to collect the debt. Constant calls from your creditors can be quite stressful. When you hire a bankruptcy lawyer, they will handle the communication with your creditors for you. They will explain to them the situation and offer legal solutions for you. Once your lawyer starts working with you, the harassment from the creditors will stop substantially. You can have the peace of mind to focus on solutions.

3. You have better chances of success with a bankruptcy lawyer.

A bankruptcy lawyer understands the legal process and negotiation required to bring a case in your favor. They understand the terminology better than anyone. With their experience, your odds of achieving success in the case are significantly higher.

Related: “When Should I Seriously Consider Filing for Bankruptcy”


In such a trying time, it’s crucial to know someone is always looking out for your best interests. Someone who will be able to attend all the different meetings with creditors and other parties to ensure any negotiations are fair and legal. All the while, they’re keeping you informed on any updates. Hire Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates to handle your bankruptcy case for you. Our professionals will gladly walk you through the process. Get in touch with us by calling (949) 951-9529 to schedule a meeting with us.

Types of Child Custody You Need To Know

Divorce is a very sensitive matter, and when children are involved in a divorce, there may be an impact on their emotional and mental health. Therefore, it becomes important for both parents to deal with this matter with the utmost care and consciousness. So, if you’re a divorcing couple and wish to learn more about the process of child custody, continue reading.

Types of Child Custody

There are two different types of custody. The following are:

1. Physical custody

a. Joint

b. Sole

2. Legal custody

a. Joint

b. Sole legal

Let’s learn about both custodies in detail.

  1. Physical custody

Physical custody helps in determining what percentage of time the child lives with each parent.

Factors The Court May Consider When Awarding Physical Custody

  • Which child is going to school?
  • Where is the child currently living?
  • Which parent is more attentive to the child’s physical, emotional, educational, and special needs?
  • Which parent has spent more time with the child?

2. Legal custody

Legal custody gives more rights to one parent to make major decisions about their child’s:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Religious Upbringing
  • Doctor, Dentist, Orthodontist, or Other Healthcare Professionals (except in emergency situations)
  • Sports, Summer Camps
  • Travel and Vacation
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Residence

In addition, in legal custody, either parent can decide alone; both parents do not have to agree on every decision about these aspects of their children’s lives. But to avoid ending up back in court and having more conflicts, it is suggested that both parents should communicate with each other and cooperate in making decisions together for the wellbeing of their children.

The Bottom Line

For a comprehensive overview of the child custody and visitation process, contact the team at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates. We are well-versed in California laws and will work directly with you to reach your desired results. Contact our firm today at (949) 951-9529 or visit our website for further information.

Filing a Complaint for Domestic Violence: Step by Step

Domestic violence is punishable by law, whether a man or a woman is targeted, and whether it’s physical, psychological, or sexual. This concerns violence committed between married and unmarried couples. However, whatever your situation, you must not remain without reaction if you are a victim, and you have to start acting to regain your reputation and rights. In this month’s blog, we’ve compiled the main steps to take in order to get your desired outcome.

Understand Domestic Violence Laws

Fights between couples are common. However, not all domestic disputes can turn violent and abusive. On the other hand, if you were seriously abused or physically harmed, or even your significant other starts throwing things, start acting without second thoughts. These are all abuses as per California domestic violence laws. Gather as much evidence as possible to support your complaint file. For instance: photographs, audio and video recordings, testimonials, medical opinions, etc.

Report to the Police

When you first meet with the police, they will write up a strong report. The report will be written based on the evidence you’ve gathered and accompanied by basic information like the date and location of the case and a summary of what happened. Nevertheless, the police will ask you more questions and will ask you for details about what happened. So be prepared and be honest!

Be Accompanied by a Specialized Lawyer and Level with Them

The recent famous trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is a case in point on how important choosing a specialized lawyer can benefit you. Choosing an experienced and specialized lawyer is a critical step to give you every chance of being well-advised and defended. He or she will provide all the answers to the questions you have and, if necessary, will represent you in court and accompany you throughout the proceedings.

Related: Learn more about why you need a domestic violence attorney here.


Violence between significant others is one of the most delicate cases because of the closeness and attachment between the perpetrator and the victim. The victim may find themselves confronted with ambivalent feelings, but still, domestic violence is a big no-no in any case.

If you live in Orange County, CA, and need the help of an expert domestic violence lawyer, seek out Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates. We are well-versed with California laws and will get your rights back by any means. Contact our firm today at (949) 951-9529.

Why You Should Try Mediation Before Legal Action

Legal battles are hard to fight out. All the technicalities and stress involved in tackling a legal case is often tiring. They take time, money, and effort out of both parties. However, there is another way to settle disputes without going to the court. Mediation is a guided negotiation between two parties for the resolution of the conflict. Mediation can save both parties the time, money, and better functional dynamics without disturbing the relationship. The following are certain reasons why you should consider mediation before taking any legal action.

1. Control Over Outcome

Since mediation is basically negotiation, both parties can make their demands and put their terms and conditions upfront. You will have complete control over the outcome of the mediation. In court, it is highly likely that one party will be completely dissatisfied with the decision of the judge. But in mediation, both parties can reach an arrangement with a compromise that suits them best.

2. Low Cost

Mediation settlements are generally less expensive than court proceedings. Traditional litigation is always pricey, and nobody has any idea what the final bill is going to be until the decision is given. With a mediation expert, you will find the entire process to be relatively cheaper than the court proceedings.

3. Faster Decision

Mediation settlements are much faster than court proceedings because you have control over the negotiation. Both parties don’t have to involve themselves in the legal technicalities and formalities. It is straight to business while you negotiate the terms and conditions to resolve the dispute. You are likely to get a faster outcome with mediation than with traditional court methods.

4. Preservation of Relationships

The disputes debated during mediation can be between families, couples, and business partners. It works for everything. A peaceful resolution where both parties get what they want through civil debate with a presence of a professional mediator. All your issues and matters remain confidential to the public. Mediation helps participants focus on effectively communicating with each other as opposed to attacking each other. This way, your relationships are also preserved.


The legal process can be extremely tough. All the changes and loopholes are enough to make your head spin. Whatever the case may be, your best solution is coming to a mutual decision to handle things in the best way possible. Mediation will allow you to avoid the formality of a courtroom and reach a reasonable resolution. If you are looking for mediation assistance, call the team at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates. With our help, we’ll handle your legal problems with confidence, hope, and patience. Get in touch with us by calling (949) 951-9529 or visit our website for further information.

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