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Tag: financial decisions

Challenges You Might Face During a Divorce

A divorce can be more complicated than one might think. Couples may encounter unforeseen circumstances and face situations where they have to make hard decisions. In order to be prepared for those challenges, read our blog to learn about the hardships some couples deal with during a divorce.

Emotional Instability

When one partner wants to make the marriage work and the other doesn’t, this can be emotionally draining for both people. There is heartbreak, frustration, and other emotions involved. This is why a divorce can be so complicated. It’s also difficult if the couple share a child together. This not only makes the divorce process more complex, but can have an adverse effect on the child as well.


As stated by lawyer Michael Rehab, “Each situation is unique, and some parents may thrive in a co-parenting environment while others may not be able to see the silver lining.” If a couple is having a hard time agreeing on certain terms, confrontation and fighting can happen. To move the legal process forward, a mediator or lawyer is sometimes needed to find a resolution.

Financial Burden

A main concern for couples when they are going through a divorce is finances. Going from a two-person income to a one-person income is a significant change, along with other financial adjustments such as alimony, child support, and asset division. Individuals can feel overwhelmed by certain financial requirements and turn to a lawyer for assistance.

Final Thoughts

You shouldn’t have to be alone during your divorce. The attorneys at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates are dedicated and steadfast to move your case along, giving you reassurance and confidence knowing you’re in good hands.

We invite you to schedule a FREE consultation today.

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Power of Attorney: What They Can and Can’t Do

As we get older, it is important to determine who you trust to handle your medical decisions should you be unable to. A power of attorney document is where you grant a trusted individual with the authority to handle any or all of your financial and legal needs if you’re incapable of doing so yourself. Working with a reputable lawyer to draft a durable power of attorney will allow you to choose who you trust for your needs. Keep reading to learn more about how a power of attorney can help you in the future.

Legal document with Power Of Attorney printed at the top.
Legal document with Power Of Attorney printed at the top.

Types of POA

Once you understand what a power of attorney is, it’s important to understand the differences between the two types of POA documents. This will help you interpret whether you could benefit from a medical POA, financial POA or both. POA documents offer different levels of protection:

Medical POA: This POA gives a trustworthy family member or friend the ability to make medical decisions when you’re unable to or incapacitated.

Financial POA: In a similar way to a medical or healthcare POA, a loved one can be placed in charge of financial decisions when you yourself can’t make them.

What Can a POA Do?

Whether you go for a medical or financial POA, the scope of what your chosen agent can do will be as narrow or broad as is permitted in the document. These are some of the decisions your chosen agent can make for your healthcare and financial needs.

Medical: What medical care you receive.

       Which doctors you use.

       Where you live or what you eat.

-Financial: Access your financial accounts to pay for treatments and healthcare.

        Make investment decisions and file taxes on your behalf.

        Manage your property.

Lawyer sitting at a desk with a gavel and scales in the foreground.
Lawyer sitting at a desk with a gavel and scales in the foreground.

What Can’t a POA Do?

While there is a range of decisions your chosen agent can make under the POA document, there are also limitations to what powers the document grants them. For instance, your agent will not be able to change your will or make decisions once you pass away. Along with these examples, your chosen POA agent cannot transfer power of attorney to someone else either.

Thoughts No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to choose who you want as your power of attorney agent. When you’re ready to draft the documents, call on Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates to ensure they’re written correctly.