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A Guide to Win a Custody Battle

Divorce with kids is quite complicated, and a child custody battle may very well be one of the most complicated cases after a divorce or legal separation. Evidently, each parent wants to win the custody battle and guard their little precious one, even if they’re not the one who starts it. But in the end, the child will end up living with only one parent. Who will that parent be? In this month’s blog, we will talk about the best method that will help you win your child custody case.

Parents who hope to obtain child custody should first familiarize themselves with the child custody practices in their state. This allows them to build a proper case and prepare to show themselves in court to be a better parent. In addition, it’s good to know that the court’s unique objective is the best interest of the child. Therefore, avoid passing the buck and criticizing your partner in court to win the case; this trick can reflect negatively on you.

Related: Child Custody and Visitation Laws in California.

Understand the Better-Parent Standard

A lot of parents go to a custody hearing with the intent of asking for full custody. For some parents, this is because they believe that their ex-partner is “incapable” to raise their child. Others prefer to have full custody for other personal reasons. However, any parent hoping to win child custody must know what makes them a better parent in the eyes of the court and how to prove that point to the judge, which leads us to the next point.

Prove That You Are the Better Parent

Parents often wonder how they can prove to the family court judge that they are the better parent so they can have full custody, but they don’t know where to start! Well, the better parent should be well-informed about their child’s physical and psychological well-being. For instance, your child’s favorite cartoons, pastimes, friends, after-school activities, etc. All these things will be carefully taken into consideration by the judge. Besides, judges tend to note parents who encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Invest In a Lawyer

We can all agree that lawyers are more than necessary to win your case, no matter how positive you are about winning the battle. They are well versed with the court system and can give you some clues that will help you win this case. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by hiring a lawyer; instead, you will benefit from their expertise and in-depth knowledge in these cases.

Related: Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer? Here’s What You Need to Ask


In summary, going to court for your child custody battle is no laughing matter and requires professional guidance to work your way through this legal labyrinth. With the above information, you can go into your child custody battle with utmost confidence. You’re just required to hire the most professional child custody lawyer near you. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates is the best option. We have a team with decades of experience dealing with these cases. To get legal assistance, contact our law firm today. You can also visit our website for more information.

Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer? Here’s What You Need to Ask

Finding the right experienced and professional child custody lawyer who can understand your case and provide you with advice can be a daunting process. If you’re sitting there and wondering how to find a reliable custody attorney and what questions to ask, there’s no need to stress. We’ve compiled all the information and questions in this article so that you can go through them and find a good match for your case. 

Background Questions

If you wish to learn more about a custody attorney’s legal professional history and education, then you can ask them which law school and college they attended. You can also ask them how long they’ve been practicing law and how many cases they handle on average.

Inquire About Past Experience

Another question that you need to ask a custody lawyer is about their experience with custody cases and what sort of achievements they have accomplished. Plus, what kinds of strategies do they plan to use for your custody case?

Your Custodial Case Assessment

You can also get an assessment for your child custody case from the lawyer. Some relevant questions may include:

  1. What’s their opinion on your custody case? 
  2. Do you have to go for trials?
  3. Will mediation or arbitration be another option in your case?
  4. How long will it take to resolve the case, and what sort of outcome can you expect?
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Overall Cost and Fees

Once you learn more about their background and experience, the next most important question that you need to ask them is about their charges or fees. You can ask about how much they charge for their services per hour and if they require you to pay a retainer fee. Besides this, you can also ask about payment options. Will they accept fees via credit card, cash, or check? 

Management-Related Questions About Your Case

If you’re satisfied with all the information that was provided by the attorney during your meeting, but you still need more info about custody case management, here’s what you can ask:

  1. Will they be available to personally handle your child custody case or will any other support staff be working on the case? 
  2. How frequently will you be notified, or will the progress report be provided to you? 
  3. What is the best way to get in contact and maintain communication?
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What You Should Ask at the End of the Meeting

At the end of the meeting, ask the lawyer if there is any other legal information that you need to consider or know about. Lastly, before you decide on hiring a lawyer and completing the required paperwork, make sure to read and pay attention to every single detail before you sign any documents. 


One of the most important takeaways is that before visiting, make a list of the questions beforehand. It will increase the chances of you making a better decision, whether you plan to hire them or not. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates is the best option. We have a team of experienced and highly qualified lawyers who will increase the chances of you winning your case. To get legal assistance, contact our law firm today. You can also visit our website for more information.

Telltale Signs You Should Consider Getting a Divorce


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There is trouble in every happy marriage. Couples fight for various reasons and there is always a difference of opinion. But when one sees no light at the end of the tunnel for their marriage, it is time to consider divorce as an option. Determining whether your failing marriage is beyond repair now is definitely not an easy decision to make. There are so many variables that come to mind. The uncertainty of what will happen next can be mind numbing and paralyzing. Here are some signs that you should consider getting a divorce.

1) Indifference to each other has become quite common.

Indifference for an extended period of time for your partner is an early sign that things are about to go south. When you stop caring about what your significant other is doing or thinking, it is extremely difficult to come back from this point. With such emotions, one loses the ability to listen and connect even on a basic level.

2) You feel bitter resentment for your relationship.

It is a definite route to divorce when you start feeling resentment for your partner. Experts believe that when negative feelings flood you over every time you think about your partner, the marriage is about to end. This also includes when both individuals are no longer interested in communicating properly to reach a solution – mainly because they are too angry and resentful. The frustration built up due to resentment leads to worse consequences.

3) You can’t get rid of drama.

Constant fighting, cold shoulders, silent treatments, leaving and then returning – does it sound like a routine now? No one should be in this cycle. It is mentally and emotionally draining. If it feels like whatever you do, you just can’t escape the drama, then it’s a red flag again. One needs to sit down and talk everything out like adults, even if it is the topic of divorce or separation.

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Divorce is a messy affair to deal with. If you have taken the final decision for it, then you need a good divorce lawyer to get you through the legal structure of the entire process. Here at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we have a team of highly experienced lawyers who deal with legal cases for divorce, custody, visitation, support, and much more. Call us at (949) 951-9529 for consultation with us. Check our website for more information.

Related: What to Look for in a Divorce Lawyer? 

Why Should We Trust Lawyers?

According to a new study, many people are skeptical of lawyers, but in the greatest need they will ask their lawyers for help. This is a rule of thumb and a weird paradox at the same time. Many people become more doubtful about having confidence in lawyers because lawyers have a negative stigma. You can say that again, but still, we should trust them. We’re going  to talk about why you should trust them, so follow along in our blog.

To begin with, you have to understand that there are professions, such as a lawyer or a doctor, where they need and require complete faith from the client so they can perform properly. For instance, a lawyer will try to save you by any means, and to achieve that, the client has to be honest with them and hide nothing.

They Fight for You 

Talk is cheap, and people just keep releasing rumors that lawyers are overcharging for their services. It might be true for some, surely not the case for most of them, but let’s be honest, no one works for free, and it should be noted that even if it costs you an arm and a leg, they deserve it, just like doctors, university professors, etc.

The Work You See Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg

You probably focus solely on the money you give to the lawyer, but what about the work they do behind closed doors? They burn the midnight oil working on your case and do everything in their power in order to fight for you. They are meticulous at each stage of the case, from collecting information to writing a professional letter.


In summary, people need to trust lawyers, whether they win or lose the case. One of the most important takeaways is that working with experienced lawyers and having confidence in them will increase the chance of winning your case. At Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we have the best-experienced lawyers in Orange County. Contact our law firm to get the legal assistance you need. You can also visit our website here for more information.

The Division of Assets and Debt in a Divorce

Getting a divorce is a tiring and frustrating process for many. Not to mention, most disagreements during the process happen the most while dividing up assets and debt. So how does one navigate this? The first step is to understand what exactly can and cannot be divided. In this month’s blog, we discuss the differences between community property and separate property and how this affects the split in assets. 

Community Property vs. Separate Property

Depending on the state, there may be different property division laws when it comes to divorce. Here in California, the community property standard is used to determine what assets are divided between spouses. These are generally things that domestic partners own together and have purchased during the course of their marriage as well as any earnings and debt. However, this does not include any gifts or inheritances.

For example, you may be wondering who gets the car. If the car was purchased using money earned during your marriage, then it belongs to both you and your spouse even if you solely paid for it. This is because the savings you used to purchase the vehicle was earned while you were married and is now considered community property. This also applies to any accumulated debt or financial obligations even if it was incurred by one person only.

Basically, community property and community debt are divided evenly between partners. However, this does not necessarily mean that it’s always divided 50/50. Certain situations can bypass this ruling such as a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that explicitly states certain assets or property remain separate in the event of a divorce. Spouses can also agree on different plans for splitting and alimony.

On the other hand, separate property is anything an individual owned before they were married. This includes inheritances, gifts, rents, profits, and any income they earned before joining in matrimony.

For example, if you had instead purchased a car using money you inherited from a relative, then that car belongs to you even if it was purchased during your marriage. This is because you were using money that is considered separate property.

In addition, separate property is also anything you acquire or earn after getting divorced. The date of separation is important because it can determine the difference between community property and separate property.

Agreeing on What to Divide

Trying to divide up the property between you and your spouse can get very tricky. There will most likely be some disagreements, especially if it’s a contested divorce. In this case, hiring a lawyer is your best option for a mediation. However, if you both decide to divide it up yourselves, here are some steps to take:

  1. Make a list of everything valuable.
  2. Determine which items or belongings are community property or separate property.
  3. Agree on the fair market value of each property.
  4. Get the judge’s approval.

Overall, it’s still best to go over your community property with a lawyer in order to keep things organized and fair. In this stage, being transparent and honest is extremely important and you should not try to keep anything hidden. Otherwise it will lead to even more conflict down the road and you may even face penalties.

Get Legal Support

It usually gets very confusing trying to determine what belongs to who, especially if you’re uncertain about the source of money. That’s why you should put your trust in Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates. With decades of experience, we will provide the necessary guidance and support to make your divorce hassle free. We will work hard to get the best possible results. Visit our website to learn more and schedule an expert consultation to address any questions or concerns.

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