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Reasons to Hire a Professional Attorney for Document Preparation

When it comes to document preparation, many people start off by creating their own legal documents just to save a few dollars. Though we are not saying that one must not do self-help document preparation, when you have a professional attorney to help you, why take the risk? People must understand that document preparation is not just about printing and filing a few documents. Instead, it requires professional editing, reviewing, and drafting. To help you understand better, we have listed some important reasons why you should use a legal attorney instead of self-help document preparation.

Legal Advice

An attorney can offer you better professional support and legal advice than an ordinary document preparation service provider. How is this? It’s because an attorney has more knowledge about the ins and outs of court and can help you meet your needs and achieve your legal goals.

Related: “Not All Divorce Attorneys Are Created Equal”

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Not having a professional attorney review and fine-tune your documentation can lead to additional issues in court. Therefore, hiring a professional attorney will help you handle the fine legal details in a way that won’t affect your case and will help you achieve your goal in court.

Professional Assistance and Guidance

When you fail to explain your situation and protect your legal rights, that is when you need to consult a licensed attorney. They will carefully listen to you and help you understand the legal process in a way that makes sense to you as a client. In addition, they will also help you fill out legal documentation for court so you can be prepared.

Related: “Why You Need to Call on a Parental Rights Attorney”


Though there are many attorneys available in the industry, your priority should be to seek help from a qualified, professional attorney who has knowledge and a background in the legal matters pertaining to your specific case.  

Are you searching for an attorney in Orange County that you can trust? Let Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates be your first choice. We have a dedicated team of attorneys who work with a diverse clientele. For legal assistance, contact our law firm at (949) 951-9529. You can also visit our website for more information.

Things to Consider Before Hiring a Lawyer for Your Business

Unexpected legal matters can occur that companies cannot resolve on their own and sooner or later, every business will need legal representation. When searching for an expert lawyer, find one who has the experience, knowledge, and professionalism your business needs to succeed. And most importantly, look for a lawyer who is ready to fight tooth and nail for your cause.

To help you choose the right one, we have worked diligently to compile this list of top things you have to consider before hiring a lawyer.

Know When You Need to Hire a Lawyer

If you have just started your business, we suggest you start communicating with a business lawyer. Inquire about the prices of basic services, such as initial legal advice or other matters related to the company. But, if you have decades in business, you may have your legal department. In this case, you don’t need a lawyer to settle your legal matters. But still, we suggest you keep in contact with a master lawyer.

Find a Lawyer Who Understands the Market or Is Willing to Do So

Yes, you need a general business attorney. But if the lawyer does not have any idea about your field of work or how it is managed, then there are bound to be disagreements. For instance, if your company manufactures agricultural machinery, it’s good to find a lawyer that also specializes in the agricultural industry.

However, a lawyer specializing in your industry isn’t always a requirement. It just means that your legal advisor must have a desire to know and understand what your company does every day and who are your main clients and strategic partners. You must analyze and clarify these matters in the legal plan.

Choose a Law Firm Suitable for the Size of Your Company

If your company is working towards becoming one of the mega businesses like Facebook, Amazon, or the next Tesla, then it is best to sign up for the services of large law firms. On the other hand, a newly launched company needs only a single legal advisor or lawyer rather than working a large law firm.


At a certain point, you will establish a professional relationship with a lawyer that will last throughout your career. At Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we are ready to do the legwork and are committed to singularly working for you. Find more about our services here or call us at (949) 951-9529.

4 Benefits of Getting a Restraining Order

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Certain events in life can be traumatizing for people, like abuse, being stalked and threatened, or personal property damage. For events such as this, the victim can file a restraining order against the abuser. The law will ensure that the perpetrator does not come into contact with the victim by any means, not even calls or texts. Any sort of contact initiated by the perpetrator is seen as a violation of the law and they can be fined and sent to jail depending on the severity of the transgression. The following are four benefits of getting a restraining order if you feel unsafe with someone.

  • You can request a restraining order for free through a civil court.  

Courts are quick to give out restraining orders under valid terms and conditions. One can request a restraining order against someone who has been abusing or threatening him or her. It is free of charge and can be approved in a day at most to take effect.

  • A restraining order will prevent the abuser from coming to your workplace.

Having the thought that you are unsafe at your workplace is quite distressing. A restraining order stops your abuser from coming to your workplace. To make yourself secure, obtain a restraining order and work in peace knowing that you are protected by the law against a certain person.

  • A restraining order shuts down all means of contact for the perpetrator.

With a restraining order, you are not only safe from their in-person presence, but they cannot reach you online on any platform, neither calls nor texts or emails. The court goes above and beyond with its restrictions on mail as well.

  • You are entitled to keep your personal information private.

If you think that a restraining order might reveal your new address or other personal information to the perpetrator, you can easily opt for your information to be kept private. This way, you and your personal whereabouts are safe.

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 The paperwork and procedures of the restraining order might look complicated but with the help of a lawyer, you can file for one. You deserve to have justice and feel safe. Whether you have been a victim of stalking or unjustly accused of breaking a restraining order, Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates can fight for you. Our services include family law, trust law, bankruptcy law, and more. Give us a call at (949) 951-9529 to schedule an appointment with us. Visit our website for more information.   

From Bankruptcy to a Successful Business

Recovering from old financial debts and running a billion-dollar business successfully might seem like a joke to most people. But filing for bankruptcy is one of the most reliable ways to get out of old debts and maintain a business. Even though you might endure a few challenges at the beginning with establishing good credit, managing your cash flow, and rebuilding your financial profile, once you financially recover from bankruptcy, you can give your business a fresh start. To help you understand better, this article will explain everything in detail.

Related: “Types of Bankruptcy in California”

1. Build a Budget and Start Saving Money

There’s a very famous quote that says, “Prevention is the best medicine, and creating healthy financial habits and a budget can help you save money for your present and future.” So, to avoid history repeating itself, start off by managing your expenses. This will help you stay within the financial budget and reduce your chances of facing debts again. Once you think you have successfully recovered from your debts, you can put all your time, money, and energy into getting your business back on track.

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2. Develop Good Credit Habits

Another effective way to accelerate your financial recovery is by developing a good credit habit. Because reestablishing a solid credit score will help you accomplish your financial goals. For instance, you can start off by focusing on making timely payments. It will benefit you when opening a secured credit card. Not only that, but it will also help you proficiently handle your company’s utility bills, electricity and phone bills, and many other expenses. Once you get over these challenges, you can deal with any problem. This way, you’ll be able to take your business one step further ahead.

3. Plan for Your Financial Future

Do you want to grow your business? Or do you wish you had another branch? After filing for bankruptcy, you can stick to these goals and budget and focus more on your financial future. This way, you will stay motivated and continue to rely more on the funding you’re saving that you can later on utilize in your company’s growth and development. We believe you will agree that the most reliable way to secure your financial future is to make wise cash flow and financial decisions.

Related: “Warning Signs of a Bankruptcy”

4. Seek Professional Help

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If you find bankruptcy is getting on your nerves, try seeking professional help. There are many highly qualified lawyers available that can help you resolve your issues and provide you with practical solutions.

The Bottom Line

After filing for bankruptcy, you will not immediately establish a billion-dollar business. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t. It’s completely possible, but it will require a lot of hard work, patience, and dedication to fully recover and get back on track. Just consider the guide above to creating a better and more secure future for you and your business. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates is the best option. We have a team with decades of experience working with clients. To get legal assistance, contact our law firm today. You can also visit our website for more information.

A Guide to Win a Custody Battle

Divorce with kids is quite complicated, and a child custody battle may very well be one of the most complicated cases after a divorce or legal separation. Evidently, each parent wants to win the custody battle and guard their little precious one, even if they’re not the one who starts it. But in the end, the child will end up living with only one parent. Who will that parent be? In this month’s blog, we will talk about the best method that will help you win your child custody case.

Parents who hope to obtain child custody should first familiarize themselves with the child custody practices in their state. This allows them to build a proper case and prepare to show themselves in court to be a better parent. In addition, it’s good to know that the court’s unique objective is the best interest of the child. Therefore, avoid passing the buck and criticizing your partner in court to win the case; this trick can reflect negatively on you.

Related: Child Custody and Visitation Laws in California.

Understand the Better-Parent Standard

A lot of parents go to a custody hearing with the intent of asking for full custody. For some parents, this is because they believe that their ex-partner is “incapable” to raise their child. Others prefer to have full custody for other personal reasons. However, any parent hoping to win child custody must know what makes them a better parent in the eyes of the court and how to prove that point to the judge, which leads us to the next point.

Prove That You Are the Better Parent

Parents often wonder how they can prove to the family court judge that they are the better parent so they can have full custody, but they don’t know where to start! Well, the better parent should be well-informed about their child’s physical and psychological well-being. For instance, your child’s favorite cartoons, pastimes, friends, after-school activities, etc. All these things will be carefully taken into consideration by the judge. Besides, judges tend to note parents who encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Invest In a Lawyer

We can all agree that lawyers are more than necessary to win your case, no matter how positive you are about winning the battle. They are well versed with the court system and can give you some clues that will help you win this case. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by hiring a lawyer; instead, you will benefit from their expertise and in-depth knowledge in these cases.

Related: Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer? Here’s What You Need to Ask


In summary, going to court for your child custody battle is no laughing matter and requires professional guidance to work your way through this legal labyrinth. With the above information, you can go into your child custody battle with utmost confidence. You’re just required to hire the most professional child custody lawyer near you. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates is the best option. We have a team with decades of experience dealing with these cases. To get legal assistance, contact our law firm today. You can also visit our website for more information.

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