If you’re stuck between a legal rock and a hard place, a lawsuit may not be the way to go. Instead, we feel that you should opt for mediation services. Not only is this alternative a more cost-effective one, but you may find that it yields better results. Below, we will share the top 3 advantages of choosing legal mediation for your next negotiation.
When we look at the lengthiness of the legal process, it is clear that mediation is the faster option. Due to the fact that lawsuits tend to take months to years and mediation takes days to weeks, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll be back to your normal routine in no time. The mediation process is designed to be as painless as possible so that both parties can come to a happy medium.
Unlike a courtroom set up, the mediation process is less formal. Its lack of strict rules and procedures allows for each party involved to feel more at ease and open. During this time, the mediator is better able to focus on the needs of the parties rather than their stated positions and objections. This fosters greater communication and in turn, leads to a better outcome in many cases.
Preserves Relationships
Because mediation isn’t built on a win or lose foundation, relationships can often remain intact after all is said and done. During the course of the process, the mediator aims to do what’s in the best interest of each party in order to arrive at a mutual decision. If a process like this were to head to the courtroom, the case may take years, tensions may rise, and friends and families could be torn apart. Mediation is a friendlier alternative to situations such as this.
If you’re looking to bypass months to years in the courtroom, legal mediation is a great option for you. This will guarantee that the parties involved are heard and those valuable relationships remain unsullied. No one is looking to tear each other to shreds. In fact, it’s the mediator’s job to help the parties arrive at a conclusion that is suitable for all.