There are numerous scenarios for when you need to consider whether to hire a parental rights attorney. Whether you’re going through a divorce or challenging a party’s paternity claims, it’s for the best that you have a trusted professional you can consult with at every step of the proceedings.
With that in mind, we will run down a deeper explanation on why you should consider hiring a parental rights attorney, especially if you’re facing a legal dispute over these circumstances. With their help, you can look forward to a brighter future!
Why Are Parental Rights Important?
First things first, it’s important to define exactly what this means. Parental rights are described as a parent’s ability in a legal sense to make actions and decisions on behalf of their child or children. In other words, it’s the establishment of a legal parent, and can be applied in the cases of biological parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, and legal guardians.
There are other obligations and benefits a child has access to in association with parental rights including custody, visitation, child support orders, and more. Of course, any and all rights can vary and are dictated based on states and federal laws. This can lead to a complex web of litigation when two parents with a child or children go through a divorce, which leads us to our next topic.
When Do You Need a Parental Rights Attorney?
As we mentioned, the circumstances for when it would be in your best interests to hire a parental rights attorney typically comes down to legalities. This area of practice is used in cases such as the institution of the parents of a child, requesting the use of DNA testing to confirm parentage, challenging another person’s paternity, and other parental-related issues.
Any qualified parental rights attorney involved in the mediation process should be extra mindful to keep the children in mind at every stage. After all, any decision should come down to their health and well-being, and especially their future. That last point is an especially important reason for why it may be best to hire a third-party counsel to handle these matters.
With all the complicated decisions and confusing paperwork involved, it can be difficult to ensure your needs and the needs of the children are being met. Having a parental rights attorney in your corner who can help you through the legal process can give you the opportunity to have a clear head in a delicate situation.
Take the time to speak with a parental rights attorney – many of them offer a free initial consultation so you know what to expect and what your chances are. In the meantime, if you have any general thoughts or questions, please share them in the comments section below!