When you are practically buried in debt and there doesn’t to be an easy way out, it may be time to decide whether to file for bankruptcy. This option can put you back in control of your finances, freeing you from this situation and giving you a fresh start. So, when you are unable to pay your creditors, it will be highly beneficial hiring a bankruptcy lawyer.
While you are not legally required to have a lawyer for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it could be the smartest decision you make during this difficult time. After all, bankruptcy law is a very complicated process. If you decide to go it alone, you will be expected to understand every aspect of the law in court. That includes the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Bankruptcy Code.
You won’t be given any special consideration just because you’re representing yourself. Say for example something comes up and you won’t be able to make your expected court hearing, or you forget to fill some forms out and the deadline passes. You can face serious penalties as a result including having your case dismissed or losing more property that you could have kept otherwise.
By having a legal representative by your side, they will be able to handle everything on your behalf. That includes filling out all the necessary paperwork, get in touch with everyone involved in the case, and answer any questions you may have during the proceedings.
There are plenty of reasons why a bankruptcy lawyer can be highly beneficial. You need someone who is experienced enough to guide you through the steps. They also make sure to stay on top of any changes that are made to the laws and the best way forward. Not only that, but they can even help you determine whether you should file for bankruptcy to begin with based on your financial situation.
In such a trying time, it’s crucial to know someone is always looking out for your best interests. Someone who will be able to attend all the different meetings with creditors and other parties to ensure any negotiations are fair and legal. All the while, they’re keeping you informed on any updates. A bankruptcy lawyer can help simplify the process and handle your case from start to finish!
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