The pandemic of 2020 has forced many businesses and educational institutions to operate remotely. Hiring legal services remotely will be new for most, but many lawyers and attorneys are making it work in their clients favor for optimal safety and convenience. Below we discuss some of the ways our family law firm is navigating legal services during these trying times.

Thankfully our means of communicating isn’t changing too drastically as remote communications have always been the most convenient and preferred methods of doing legal business. Our offices are open during normal business hours and accepting phone calls, faxes, email, and even internet calls when requested.
Document Sharing
Sharing documents between our offices and our clients is a huge part of how we do business. Our office has equipped itself with online programs that make document sharing and signing easy, safe, and effective. Of course we can also can share documents through fax, picture PDF’s and more!
Court Proceedings
In 2020 even operational court proceedings have moved to the internet and phone. The courthouses of Orange County Superior Court are open for limited in-person services and are allowing for remote proceedings when at all possible. It’s possible you will be required to make an appearance, but will proceed with the hearing virtually from a safe physical distance with our support.
Final Thoughts
Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates are one of the few ready to go businesses in Lake Forest, CA during the coronavirus crisis. We are committed to staying in contact with you, keeping you informed, and getting your case closed as soon as possible. File with us early to get ahead of the others when the courts officially reopen.
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