Going through the twists and turns of divorce takes a big chunk of time and mental energy from both parties. When children are involved, the stress produced can negatively affect their moods, visions of their parents, and can even lead to them feeling at fault. While it is clear to us that this is not true, children may think otherwise. It’s important to show you love and care for them even through rocky waters. The first and best step to achieve this is through meaningful interactions that get them to understand the situation at a level they can reach.
- Do Something Together You Both Enjoy
It’s important to let loose and enjoy your hobbies through the process, and bringing your children with you to share that experience with makes a world of a difference. Whether you and your child both like cooking a meal together, going to the beach, or having fun at the bowling alley, the energy release and positive emotions created from the occasion will help bring you closer together. It’s significant to remember to go out and do something you’ll have a good time with too. Children are very observant, and they may know whether you’re interacting with them, or for them. When you choose to take part in activities you and your child both love rather than ones meant only for them, it’s easier for both of you to take your mind off things and strengthen your relationship.
- Hug Them Often
It’s astounding just how much of a positive effect physical affection has on us all. With children, these effects have been shown to segue into adult life. Child Trends reports that “higher self-esteem, better parent-child communication, and fewer psychological and behavior problems have been linked to warmth and affection between parent and child.” When you show and tell your children you love them, you make them feel better through stressful situations in the present, and even in the future. So hug them, and cherish them! The time you put in for them now will help them feel safe and secure through troubled times.
- Don’t Forget About Their Lives
When children sense that your attention for them is being bogged down with legal work, they may feel as though they have been left by the wayside. While you’re dealing with your case, sometimes you can forget that they are living unique and beautiful lives that deserve to be celebrated. Whether they’ve received good marks at school, made a new friend, or are looking forward to something new, it’s essential not to overlook it. Once you show them that what they are experiencing in their own sphere is just as important as what’s happening in yours, they can feel as though you’re there for them no matter what.
Working through strains can be difficult to manage with innocent children in the mix. Keeping these reminders in mind while you push forward with your situation is sure to help everyone out in the long run.
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