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Tag: the process of divorce

Challenges You Might Face During a Divorce

A divorce can be more complicated than one might think. Couples may encounter unforeseen circumstances and face situations where they have to make hard decisions. In order to be prepared for those challenges, read our blog to learn about the hardships some couples deal with during a divorce.

Emotional Instability

When one partner wants to make the marriage work and the other doesn’t, this can be emotionally draining for both people. There is heartbreak, frustration, and other emotions involved. This is why a divorce can be so complicated. It’s also difficult if the couple share a child together. This not only makes the divorce process more complex, but can have an adverse effect on the child as well.


As stated by lawyer Michael Rehab, “Each situation is unique, and some parents may thrive in a co-parenting environment while others may not be able to see the silver lining.” If a couple is having a hard time agreeing on certain terms, confrontation and fighting can happen. To move the legal process forward, a mediator or lawyer is sometimes needed to find a resolution.

Financial Burden

A main concern for couples when they are going through a divorce is finances. Going from a two-person income to a one-person income is a significant change, along with other financial adjustments such as alimony, child support, and asset division. Individuals can feel overwhelmed by certain financial requirements and turn to a lawyer for assistance.

Final Thoughts

You shouldn’t have to be alone during your divorce. The attorneys at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates are dedicated and steadfast to move your case along, giving you reassurance and confidence knowing you’re in good hands.

We invite you to schedule a FREE consultation today.

Let us meet your legal needs!

The 3 Steps to Take Before Asking for a Divorce


Divorce tends to be a messy, emotional process. It’s easy to let the whole thing turn into a disaster when you have hurt feelings and financial problems getting in the way of the separation. However, there are some steps you can take before you even ask your spouse for a divorce that will make it a less stressful and time-consuming process. This blog post will go over three steps you need to take before asking for a divorce.


Prep Your Paperwork


Divorce relies heavily on documentation. Because of this, it’s important that you get your paperwork in order beforehand. Step one is to gather your paperwork. Here is what you will need:

  • Bank statements, credit card statements, paycheck stubs
  • Paperwork regarding investments, properties, and other assets
  • Medical coverage and insurance information
  • Tax information (tax returns, W-2 forms, etc.)
  • Marriage certificates, prenuptial or post-nuptial agreements
  • Trusts and wills
  • Other documents relevant to you and your marriage

The second step is to organize your documents. The more you organize your own documents, the less you have to pay an attorney to gather and organize them for you. It’s important to do all this before actually asking your spouse for a divorce. Not everyone is going to react favorably – your partner may feel inclined to make it difficult for you to access these documents. It’s better to be safe and obtain this information while you still can. Also, be sure to make a copy of your documents and give them to a trusted friend or family member for safekeeping.


Figure Out Your Finances


Before you even begin the divorce process, you need to understand your finances. Look over your personal accounts and accounts you may share with your spouse. This could include investments, retirement funds, and joint bank accounts. You will need to separate everything from your spouse once the divorce process is in motion, so it’s suggested that you open up new financial accounts that your partner cannot access. Depending on your situation, you may want to wait on this, so consult a financial advisor before doing anything you’re unsure of.

Planning your finances is incredibly important to make sure that you’re able to stay financially stable once you’re separated. To start, put together a simple spreadsheet of your assets and debts. You can’t make a plan until you know what you have and what you owe. Once you understand whether or not your budget is enough to keep you afloat, you can begin thinking of ways to increase your income or decrease your expenses. This will also help you further understand what you and your spouse will split, and how much you can afford to spend on an attorney and the divorce process.

Make a Plan


Getting a divorce is scary, but you can’t do it blindly. There’s a lot to think about after you ask your spouse for a divorce. Are you able to move out of the house if you need to? Would your spouse move out? Do you have enough money to support yourself for a few months if your spouse cuts you off? What about the living situation for your children? What do you want to accomplish for yourself? The sooner you set goals for yourself, both during and after the divorce, the more likely you are to achieve them. Having answers to these questions ahead of time can save you a lot of time and stress during the divorce process.



After you complete these steps and ask your spouse for a divorce, the next step is to find an attorney. Attorneys are educated, experienced professionals that offer you advice and information about what to do in your unique situation. Attorneys come at different experience levels and pricing, so you need to find someone that works with you and your budget.

You need an attorney who will listen to you, understands your goals, and has your best interests in mind. That’s why you should call on Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates! We have the qualifications to handle any divorce case, and we work hard to find the best resolution possible for both parties.


Starting the Search for Your Divorce Lawyer

No one likes planning for a divorce. The process itself is a numbing one that, depending on your circumstances, can call for a rather hefty time commitment. In the midst of such a draining process, the last thing you need to worry about is an incompetent lawyer or an attorney not able to deliver on what you expect from your divorce. With that in mind, finding a trained professional is the strongest first step you can take towards a streamlined divorce process.

Of course that’s easier said than done. Before you even begin searching for an attorney you can trust, it helps to know exactly what you’re looking for. Here are a few tips perfect for narrowing your search and saving you a few headaches in the process.

Decide Your Game Plan

create a game plan with both your spouse and attorney Many forget that divorce doesn’t always have to devolve into the messy arguments that grace our favorite drama shows. In fact, there are a few different divorce procedures, many of which don’t involve battling in court.

Take a moment to consult with yourself and your spouse and decide on how you two would like to proceed with your separation. If you plan on mediating, you’ll need a neutral third party who can meet with you and resolve the issues without further legal involvement. Others who feel litigation is necessary will need to find a lawyer capable of protecting their rights in court.

Once you know how you plan to proceed, you can then narrow your search to attorneys trained in that specific method.

Decide On the Service You Really Need

Depending on their circumstances, two people looking for a divorce could need entirely different legal services. For example, someone with a long standing marriage, children, and a complicated financial situation could require a lawyer with a little more experience dealing with things like custody, litigation, and so on. Conversely, others with a short lived marriage and no children could simply get by with a consultation.

Take stock of your situation and ask yourself if you really need legal protection or if something a little more reserved could be all that is necessary. Not only will this save you money, it can shave off quite a bit of unneeded stress from this rather bleak process.

Ask Around

Seek out advice from friends and familyStarting your search online is a sure fire way to overwhelm yourself. With so many different firms and professionals, where can you even begin? Starting with your friends and family could be a good idea!

Speak to someone you’re comfortable with about their experiences with a divorce lawyer and ask for their honest opinion. Not only does this allow you to receive an inside look at what it’s like to work with that firm, it gives you a chance to ask your most important questions before having to set up a consultation. Make a list of your biggest deal breakers as far as an attorney goes and search for any red flags when discussing them with your friend. From there, you can focus your consultations and meetings with lawyers you know pass your par of quality!


The perfect lawyer for your situation needs to be diligent, professional, and above all, well versed in working with individuals coming from backgrounds similar to your own. With enough research and self-reflection, you can save yourself from a complicated divorce and put this trial behind you fast.

Looking for a family law professional you can trust during this difficult procedure? Call on our firm’s vigorously trained staff or visit to learn more about how we can help.