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Can My Ex Leave the State With Our Child?

A common custody question is whether one parent can take the children out of state without returning. If a custody order exists, the custodial parent usually needs permission from the court or the other parent. But without an order, can a parent legally leave the state with a child? In this month’s blog, we explore when such moves are allowed or restricted.

Custody Agreements and Parenting Plans

When a divorce involves children, the court establishes a custody agreement that both parents must follow. This agreement outlines who has legal custody (the right to make decisions for the child) and physical custody (where the child primarily lives).

If your child custody hasn’t ended yet, then your ex cannot simply decide to move to another state or take the child on an extended trip out of state without discussing it with you.

Related: Learn more about when child support ends in California here.

Move-Away Cases: Permanent Relocations

A “move-away case” occurs when a parent wants to make a permanent move out of state. If one parent has sole custody, they may have more freedom to move. However, in cases of joint custody, the moving parent must either get the other parent’s consent or obtain a court order.

If both parents are open to a move but need to adjust their parenting plan, a new agreement can be created. For example, a different visitation schedule might allow the non-moving parent more extended time with the child during vacations or school breaks.

The Risks and Penalties of Leaving Without Permission

If a parent leaves the state with a child without obtaining the necessary permissions, they could face legal consequences. For instance, taking a child out of state in violation of a custody order may be considered parental kidnapping in California. This can be a serious charge that comes with severe penalties, including jail time or hefty fines.

Steps to Take if You Suspect a Violation of Custody Terms

If you believe your ex may be planning to leave the state with your child without permission, there are steps you can take to protect your custody rights.

  • Document the Custody Agreement: Have copies of the official custody order readily available, showing the specific terms regarding travel and relocation.
  • File a Motion if Necessary: If your ex won’t communicate or is actively planning to leave against the agreement, file a motion with the court to prevent the unauthorized relocation.
  • Know the Warning Signs: If your ex suddenly starts packing belongings or gives notice of a job transfer far away, consider discussing these changes with your attorney to ensure your rights are safeguarded.

Consult With Us

At Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we’re here to help you protect your rights and your family’s best interests. Contact us at (949) 951-9529 for guidance on custody agreements, parental rights, and what steps to take if you’re concerned about relocation issues. Let us stand by your side to ensure your rights – and your child’s – are safeguarded.

How to Set Up a Trust Fund?

Trust funds are an excellent way of providing a secure legacy to the next of kin and generations. When you set up a trust fund, you make a legal access way to transfer your wealth, properties, and assets to the person of your choice. It is basically a tool to outline an actionable plan on how finances will be distributed and managed after you pass. Keep on reading to learn how to set up a trust fund.

  • Define your goals for the trust.

It is imperative to understand why you are establishing a trust fund. With clarity of goals in mind, you will have a clear picture of what and how many assets you will be putting in the trust to provide financial security for your loved ones.

For example, you want to leave the house to your son and the gold jewelry to your daughter. You can also direct your fund to be used for specific reasons, like a college fund for your kids or a limited allowance from the fund.

  • Choose the type of trust you wish to establish.

There are different types of trusts that you can choose depending on your goals and requirements. Most trusts can be classified into one of two categories: revocable trusts and irrevocable trusts.

Revocable living trusts (RLTs) are the most common type of trust. They’re flexible and allow you (as the grantor) to make changes at any time, like adding or removing beneficiaries or changing the trust’s provisions.

Irrevocable trusts are more rigid. Once an irrevocable trust is created, it’s not simple to make changes, and the trust can’t easily be undone or canceled.

  • Select the terms of the trust.

Now that you have decided on the goals and the type of trust you want, it is time to establish the terms of the trust. Deciding the terms includes the following factors:

– Determining a trustee: A trustee will manage the trust and oversee the distribution of assets to your beneficiaries. Therefore, it’s essential to pick someone you trust who’s willing and able to serve.

– Deciding the distribution of assets: If your trust fund has multiple beneficiaries, dictate the terms of distribution so everyone receives a fair share according to your terms. You should clearly outline these distribution instructions in your trust documents.

– Setting conditions: Setting up provisions will ensure that the financial means reach the beneficiaries when you believe the time is right for them. For example, your son will have her share of trust when she finishes college. That is called setting conditions for distribution.

  • Legalize with the documents.

You’ll need to make your trust legally binding. This means completing your trust documents and executing them according to the laws in your state. In most states, this involves signing your trust document in the presence of two witnesses, who should also sign.

Make the trust legally binding with proper documentation, and get your trust notarized and registered with your county.

  • Fund your trust with assets.

Funding your trust with assets is an important step. Your trust can’t function as intended until you fill it with assets. Depending on the trust type, these assets may include real estate property, bank accounts, life insurance policies, non-cash assets (like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds), digital assets (including cryptocurrency), and any personal items that are valuable or important to you.

Transferring assets into a trust can take time and effort, but it’s necessary. You should start by contacting the institutions that manage your assets.


A trust fund provides more control, privacy, and specificity. It can help you minimize estate taxes and avoid probate, saving your beneficiaries time, money, and piles of paperwork. At Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we are ready to do the legwork and are committed to singularly working for you. Find more about our services here or call us at (949) 951-9529.

Trusts and Estate Planning

There are many misconceptions around what trusts are and who they are designed to benefit. A person doesn’t need to have heaps of money and properties in order to create a trust and begin estate planning. In fact, even though estate planning is for everyone, far too many people neglect to ever do so and ultimately leave their family to pick up the pieces after they’re gone. Continue to read along to learn more about how these processes work, who’s involved, and what the benefits are.

What Does It All Mean?

The concept of a trust is actually quite simple. Trusts are legally binding arrangements in which one party holds property on behalf of another. An estate refers to everything a person owns, including their vehicles, properties, life insurance, personal possessions and any other assets they may have. Therefore estate planning is the proactive process of distributing ones wealth before they pass away or become incapacitated.

Who Does It Involve?

These arrangements are most typically made within families in order to grant another person the authority to manage the estate described in the trust. The person creating the trust is called the settlor or trustor, and the recipient is referred to as the trustee. Lawyers are typically involved in this process as well as to ensure every detail is properly addressed and legally stands.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

There are far many more advantages to curating a trust and beginning the estate planning process than there are disadvantages. Mainly, it allows many of the legal processes to move more quickly. Additionally, a trust is effective immediately, can offer tax minimization perks, and allows for underage beneficiaries. The noteworthy disadvantages of trusts are the preparation costs and the amount of time it can take to retitle your assets.


Everyone needs a will and trust. Without one, your loved ones are at the mercy of the Government who will run up your estate charges with no concern over taxes. Contact us today to receive a free consultation on your trust and estate planning needs!