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Vacation Time and Child Custody

Imagine this: it’s the holidays and everyone is ready for a vacation. People are excited to take a load off and spend quality time with their loved ones. Maybe they’ll take a road trip or go out-of-state for sight-seeing and new experiences. However, this can be a difficult and tense subject to navigate between divorced parents. Planning vacation time can come with its own set of challenges especially when it involves a child custody agreement and limited scheduling.

Scheduling Vacation Agreements

For those who are still working through the details of a child custody and parenting plan, it’s important to clearly define vacation time between you and your ex-partner. All parents want to spend time with their children and for divorcees, having a coordinated vacation schedule will help prevent conflicts by setting some ground rules.

Talk to your ex-partner and clearly define what can and cannot be done. Here are a few examples of what to agree upon:

  • Determine agreeable vacation destinations, whether it be local, out of state, or out of the country.
  • Set equal vacation days so your children can spend enough quality time with both parents.
  • Discuss activities that the children will participate in during the vacation.

Some divorced parents may choose to establish specific dates each year in which they can take their children on vacation. Others may choose to have unspecified dates instead, but are required to notify the other parent in advance of when they plan to take their children on vacation. Regardless of what option you may choose, it is important to be clear and communicative with each other.

Be Transparent with Each Other

Incorporating vacation plans can be difficult and tedious but it’s important to prevent conflicts. In order to be transparent with each other, some divorcees may opt to put plans into writing to ensure each party is aware of the set guidelines. If you decide to make any changes to your plans, remember to inform the other. If an emergency were to happen on a vacation, it’s important for the other to be aware of where you are and what you were doing. Understand that remaining communicative with each other is the first step in overcoming conflicts in a child custody agreement.


Establishing a vacation plan can be overwhelming, but by following agreed upon guidelines, divorced parents can easily navigate and coordinate with each other while spending quality time with their children. Here at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates, we help divorcees navigate confusing and tense child custody agreements. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at (949) 951-9529 or visit our website to learn more about our services.

Three Disputes Your Family Law Attorney Can Help With

Dealing with legal issues on your own can be burdensome, but with a professional family lawyer by your side, there’s less to worry about. A family law attorney can handle your legal problems and represent you in the court of law, if needed. Such issues include divorce, prenuptial agreements, and other related matters. Furthermore, they can act as mediators if disagreements between spouses and family members become complicated. Learn more about what a family law attorney can do for you!

Divorce Issues

Divorce is difficult. This not a happy time for couples because emotions can be high. Coming to an agreement is hard to do, so this is usually when lawyers step in. They act as a mediator between the couple and approach issues lawfully. It is in their best interest to settle matters calmly and not have to go to court. When an agreement is met, they move along the divorce swiftly by having the couple sign paperwork and other legal documents.

Prenuptial Agreement

Before a couple gets married, a prenuptial agreement is drafted to identify each spouse’s property and assets in the event of a divorce. This agreement can be drafted with or without a family law attorney present. However, with help from an attorney, they can oversee the contract and confirm that the legal information provided is agreed upon. Once both parties approve, the document is signed and copied.

Child Custody Agreement

Figuring out an arrangement to care for children after a divorce or separation isn’t easy. There are many variables when it comes to the parent’s scheduling, travel distance, and so on. Sometimes, lawyers need to get involved because it can be a complex matter. A family law attorney will be there to find a resolution between the parents and have the best interest of the child(ren).


Family disputes can be complicated, but not when you have the right lawyer alongside you. When you call Family Law Richard E. Young Associates, you will be directed to a professional attorney within our firm. We handle cases ranging from divorce to child support, so let us resolve your family law issues today. CALL (949) 951-9529 NOW!

Things You Need to Know About Divorce during a Pandemic

Divorce or separation during the pandemic has brought new challenges. CNN comments, “For marriages and relationships involving the usual strife, the stress of job losses, shared housing, co-parenting and health insurance worries have been exacerbated by the pandemic.” Couples that are making the decision to divorce should know about how the pandemic is currently affecting the separation process. Learn more about some of the divorce factors impacted by COVID-19.

Slower Response Time for Court Cases

As family courts are starting to re-open, there are still a backlog of cases in the system. To remedy the response time, many cases are being switched to Zoom meetings, where couples are communicating virtually instead of face to face. However, even with the technology of Zoom, many couples still cannot make a joint decision about their children attending in-person school, asset division, and other crucial aspects of a divorce. If you are needed for in-court appearances, be prepared that it might take some time.

Asset Division May Be Harder to Value

Because of the volatility of the market due to COVID-19, market-based assets such as your retirement and savings plans, might be harder to value. Even so, items are valued as the day you officially separate. However, given the circumstances of the pandemic, things might not be paid out until later. Even valuing your home, if you are choosing to buy or sell, is harder to determine because of the changing housing markets. Talk with a lawyer to get more certainty before making a big decision.

Complications with Work Stability

With multiple waves of lockdowns and restrictions, job stability has been shaky. Many people have lost their jobs and are struggling to recover, which puts more stress on spouses having to make support payments. Divorce Mag writes, “If you think you might be the one making support payments, know that if you lose your job, you may have to continue to make payments until a court agrees to lower them. And if you are the one receiving payments, know they can be cut back at any time.”

What Now?

If you need a divorce lawyer in Orange County, contact the professional attorneys at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates. We are offering remote and internet services for your legal needs. CALL FOR A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION AT 949-951-9529 TODAY!

Challenges You Might Face During a Divorce

A divorce can be more complicated than one might think. Couples may encounter unforeseen circumstances and face situations where they have to make hard decisions. In order to be prepared for those challenges, read our blog to learn about the hardships some couples deal with during a divorce.

Emotional Instability

When one partner wants to make the marriage work and the other doesn’t, this can be emotionally draining for both people. There is heartbreak, frustration, and other emotions involved. This is why a divorce can be so complicated. It’s also difficult if the couple share a child together. This not only makes the divorce process more complex, but can have an adverse effect on the child as well.


As stated by lawyer Michael Rehab, “Each situation is unique, and some parents may thrive in a co-parenting environment while others may not be able to see the silver lining.” If a couple is having a hard time agreeing on certain terms, confrontation and fighting can happen. To move the legal process forward, a mediator or lawyer is sometimes needed to find a resolution.

Financial Burden

A main concern for couples when they are going through a divorce is finances. Going from a two-person income to a one-person income is a significant change, along with other financial adjustments such as alimony, child support, and asset division. Individuals can feel overwhelmed by certain financial requirements and turn to a lawyer for assistance.

Final Thoughts

You shouldn’t have to be alone during your divorce. The attorneys at Family Law Richard E. Young & Associates are dedicated and steadfast to move your case along, giving you reassurance and confidence knowing you’re in good hands.

We invite you to schedule a FREE consultation today.

Let us meet your legal needs!

Annulments vs. Divorce

While most people know what a divorce is, an annulment is a less commonly known term that describes a similar legal process. In this month’s blog post we will explore the major differences between the two and exactly what should be understood about them before seeking representation and beginning their official legal processes.


Those who are hoping to be granted an annulment have to meet a certain criteria, otherwise by default they will have to instead file for a divorce. In order to qualify for an annulment both parties have to agree that the marriage wasn’t ever legal or legitimate in the first place. Couples who have been granted an annulment move forward as if their marriage never existed.


When a couple files for a divorce, it’s typically after an extended amount of time has passed since the marriage began and both parties have decided to part ways for any number of reasons. In a divorce both people have to agree on the fact that their marriage was always a legitimate union, however they also agree that it should not continue any further.


At the end of the day, both a divorce and an annulment effectively end a marriage. Some consider annulments much simpler processes because couples don’t have to go to court to divide their estates, pay alimony, or child support. If you or someone you know is seeking a highly skilled family lawyer who specializes in divorce and annulments, visit our website here.

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